Steal My Entire LinkedIn Video Strategy
Feb 13, 2023
Thinking about your LinkedIn video strategy?
Video on LinkedIn has been a total gamechanger for me. Back in 2020, I decided to get visible on LinkedIn. Back then, I was a copywriter, specialising in blog writing. Most copywriters are introverts. Not me.
I figured I could stand out with video marketing on LinkedIn.
I’d been flirting with the idea of making videos for a while. But taking action? No.
So, I did a video confidence course with Jenny De Lacy. And I did a LinkedIn course with Helen Pritchard. (Not an affiliate, but would recommend both.)
I got the nudge I needed to start sharing videos on LinkedIn.
The first Linkedin video I filmed
It was the absolute worst. I filmed in my car because I didn’t have any setup at home, like tripod or ring light. Just filmed it and uploaded it.

Since then? I got better.
Unfortunately, the way to get good is to start out being bad and then keep going.

My current LinkedIn video strategy
I share a short video every weekday on LinkedIn.
Yes, every damn weekday. I know you think that’s nuts, and excessive, and I’m weird.
But your LinkedIn video strategy doesn’t have to copy mine. (As a LinkedIn trainer, I’m all about creating your own approach, not following a cookie-cutter method.)
My audience doesn’t show up on LinkedIn much. So by sharing a video every weekday, I can ensure that whenever they log in, I’m there for them.
How I film my videos
I batch five videos and film each week.
Filming videos is part of my ‘content day’. The schedule is
- write a blog
- film videos
- write upcoming LinkedIn posts
- write my newsletter (one weekly action-takey tip to help you get more visible on LinkedIn you should sign up)
- try to get more famous by looking at PR opportunities and podcasty things
- ignore Instagram for another week (and swear I WILL do something about it next week)
My video set
For filming, I have a set permanently in place in my living area.

This makes it quick and easy for me to set up and film. I learned from Gretchen Rubin that to make something a habit, remove obstacles. I was putting off filming LinkedIn videos because I didn’t like setting up the damn tripod and ring light every time. (I am that lazy, I guess?) Having it permanently ready eliminates that excuse.
The video tech
I use my iPhone to film, in landscape.
I have a cheapo Neweer ring light and tripod from Amazon.
My step-by-step LinkedIn video process
Step one: I come up with five video topics
Step two: I write 3-5 bullet points I want to cover
Step three: I film aiming for one take
Step four: I share with my VA
Step five: I write captions
Let me break down those steps in further detail.
Choosing LinkedIn video topics
Ugh, this can be hard when you first start. But once you train your brain to be on the lookout for ideas, it behaves itself. So use the notes in your phone to capture ideas when they fly between your ears.
I focus on three factors:
- my audience’s goals: what they want to achieve, what success looks like
- my audience’s fears: what do they worry about, what holds them back
- my audience’s problems: what obstacle do they have yet to overcome
Put the value in the video is my mantra.
I don’t often sell in videos. I just help.
If my audience has the goal of selling more via LinkedIn, I have a video for that.
If my audience has a fear of putting themselves out there, I have a video on letting go of self doubt.
Or if my audience has a problem — they don’t know what to do with hashtags, I have a video about that.
Writing video scripts
Don’t! Why?
Scripted videos suck. If you’re building a personal brand, you don’t need scripted nonsense in your LinkedIn video strategy. Because:
- They take too long to write.
- They force you to memorise, or use an teleprompter app.
- They give you a wooden delivery.
- They are unnatural and forced.
- They don’t reflect how you naturally speak.
- They take forever to film.
So speak with a few prompts. I have three to five bullet points for each topic.
Fast is better than perfect
I don’t want to faff around making videos all day. I’m busy and important.
So fast is key.
Being fast means I don’t overthink. Videos don’t have to be perfect. I’m not meant to be a newsreader with flawless delivery. Just talk about my point in a natural way and move on.
Aim for one take
When you stop and start, you get befuddled. When you commit to one take, you get better at seamless delivery.
I don’t always make it through in one take. But trying to achieve it has helped me get far better at video delivery. Knowing I can’t stop, no matter what? Has 100% made me better at speaking on camera.
Going for one take is also good because:
- it banishes perfectionist tendencies
- it’s faster
- it forces you to get better at seamless delivery (which makes you more confident)
What about stumbles?
Even though I aim for one take, I often stuff it. And I have a fabulous VA who edits them out. She also puts subtitles on my videos.
And each month, she puts all my stumbles into a bloopers reel. It always gets the most views of my videos. People love to see real humans doing human things.
Don’t watch videos back
Heavens to betsy, I almost n-e-v-e-r watch my videos. Because if I did?
My mean old brain would throw out thoughts like:
- that sounded dumb
- nice triple chin, fatso
- you wave your hands around too much
If you can relate, it’s probably because studies have shown that 80% of our thoughts are negative. And 95% of thoughts are repeated from the day before. Basically, we’re all going around bitching about ourselves, over and over. Thanks, brain.
Anyway, this is why I don’t watch the videos back. If I watched them, I’d likely never share them. I’d let those unwanted negative thoughts turn into unwanted negative action.
So I just assume I did awesome and send videos to my VA to subtitle them without watching.
Unfortunately, if you are doing the subtitling, you may have to watch the videos. Just don’t listen if your brain says you’re rubbish.
Once, a client of mine insisted on watching her videos. Because she thought she needed to watch them to catch mistakes and fix them next time. But guess what? She hated all her videos. Never shared a single one. That was back in 2020—and she’s not shared a video since. This makes me sad for her.
Tips to overcome camera shyness
You are not alone. Feeling comfortable on camera is a skill you can learn, like eating with chopsticks or perfecting dutch braids on whiny, wriggly tweens.
Know that your brain takes you into flight or fight mode when you’re feeling pressured. And this includes the stress you feel filming videos. Before you hit record, smile, jump around and listen to Beyonce. This seems lame, but it works. It changes your entire energy and helps you tap into good vibes.
Minimise distractions and don’t film with anyone else around. Don’t rush your delivery, take it at a nice pace and speak naturally. Your brain is very good at thinking ahead for what to say next – you do it in every conversation you have. It’s just a bit harder when you are nervous, but keep going. Don’t forget the one-take rule.
If you want to harness the power of video, you need to learn to get over camera shyness. Honestly, with practice, you DO get better. So don’t let this be the reason you ditch your LinkedIn video strategy.
Avoid the temptation to start again and make it perfect!
- perfectly flawless is robotic and boring
- it will take you all day
- you won’t show up again next time because of the agony you put yourself through
No one expects you to be a TV presenter. They are just interested in the awesome stuff you have to say!
Start small by filming a few test videos just to get practice. But it’s all about taking imperfect action, so at some point, you’re gonna have to share that video.
Your first video on Linkedin
Your first video is likely to have really good reach. I have no proof for this, but I *guess* the LinkedIn algorithm wants you to produce videos. So it may reward your first video with good exposure. (Just a theory.)
Also, your audience is likely to be interested, because they haven’t seen a video from you before.
So, if you are sharing your first video, try this approach. Basically, introduce yourself and tell the world how you’re feeling about showing up on video.
A (loose) script could be:
‘Hey, it’s me, I am sharing my first video on LinkedIn. I admit I’m feeling a bit nervous, as I am not used to filming myself, but I am pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I know that video content is great for building connections and that’s what I’m here to do. In case you don’t know me, I am Lady Cordelia Whimsy Pompington and I help (audience) achieve (outcome) with (methodology). Thanks for watching!’
This is likely to get lots of nice comments from people saying ‘good to see you’ and ‘well done for being brave.’ Hopefully, the nice reaction will help you feel encouraged enough to keep at it.
Repeat, repeat, repeat
The big mistake people make with LinkedIn video strategy? They film a few and then let it lapse.
You need to show up consistently to enjoy the benefits.
Last week’s video has likely dropped out of circulation. So you need to film and share content regularly.
There’s no strict formula. But once a week is a good start.
Don’t obsess over video views
I don’t get huge view numbers.
But. 100% of people who work with me say they watch my videos.
That’s the only metric that matters to me.
LinkedIn video strategy: a brief how-to
- Get a ring light and tripod
- Film on your phone
- Don’t write a full script
- Speak naturally to 3-5 bullet points
- Aim for one take
- Don’t make it perfect
- Edit out stumbles later
- Add subtitles to videos
- Share videos frequently
- Don’t obsess over video views
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